Ningaloo Reef is the World’s Largest Fringing Reef

Stretching 300km from Carnarvon’s Red Bluff to the Muiron Islands in the north and Exmouth Gulf’s Bundegi Beach in the east, Ningaloo Reef is regarded as one of the world’s last great ocean paradises.

Welcome to Australia’s Coral Coast

Australia’s Coral Coast is a boundless marine wonderland with open skies and otherworldly landscapes tied together by the Coral Coast Highway – one of the greatest road trips on earth.

Countdown to Jamba Nyinayi Festival at Cardabia

From 11 – 13 April 2024, the Baiyungu Traditional Owners of Nyinggulu (Ningaloo) will be holding their second annual cultural music and arts festival at Cardabia, just out of Coral Bay…